Integrate our products into your software. Let's make payment happen together!
Look at all the possibilitiesDepending on the payment method, the following can be accomplished using a reversal:
The following transactions can be reversed:
, card
, googlepay
, klarna
and terminal
.Name | Description |
type | Fixed value: reversal |
amount | Echo from the Payment |
currency | Echo from the Payment |
status | Possible values: Transaction Status |
merchantOrderReference | Echo from the Payment |
description | The description of the transaction |
language | Echo from the Payment |
method | Echo from the Payment |
brand | Echo from the Payment |
metadata | Echo from the Payment |
reference | A unique reference for the reversal transaction |
originalReference | The unique reference for the payment transaction this payment is attempting to reverse. |
methodTransactionId | A third party transaction ID which identifies the payment transaction in external systems. If empty no such id was available or no third party was employed |
created | The local server datetime the reversal was created, epoch timestamp |
lastUpdate | The local server datetime the reversal was updated, epoch timestamp |
statusFinalDate | The local server datetime the reversal reached a final status, epoch timestamp |
failureCode | An error code indication what caused the failure. Possible values: Failure Codes |
Name | Required | Description | Max Length |
reference | Yes | The unique reference of the payment to reverse | 255 |
description | No | The description of the reversal. If not provided we use the original payment description | 255 |
notificationRequests | No | An object which is used to request Notifications for specific events related to this capture. | n/a |
webhookUrl | No | The webhook URL invoked for transaction changes. This overrides the merchant webhook if one is present. We do not validate this url | 2000 |
details | No | An object which includes method specific details. Possible values: Method Reversal Details. | n/a |
merchantOrderReference | No | A reference, maximum of 255 characters, of the order associated with this reversal. If not provided we use the merchantOrderReference of the original payment | 255 |
"reference": "C1505181754007360.1",
"description": "API Reversal Description"
These details are possible when reversing an authorisation or sale which was made using the method terminal
Any details included in the original authorise or sale can be overwritten with these details.
Name | Required | Description | Max Length |
cardPresent | No | Specify whether the customer’s card has to be present to perform the reversal. Defaults to true . |
terminalId | No | The terminal id as assigned by CCV | 50 |
managementSystemId | No | The management system id of this terminal as assigned by CCV | 50 |
accessProtocol | No | The communication protocol between the terminal and access server | 20 |
ip | No | The browser accessible IP of the terminal for initiating the wake up | 50 |
port | No | The browser accessible port of the terminal’s socket handling HTTP calls | 5 |
operatingEnvironment | Conditional | Only ATTENDED terminal reversals are supported. Meaning it is required to include ATTENDED if the operatingEnvironment of the transaction being reversed was set to SEMI_UNATTENDED . |
20 |
merchantLanguage | No | The language of the merchant, used to change the language in which the intermediate page is displayed in ATTENDED operatingEnvironments. Required when operatingEnvironment is ATTENDED , not required otherwise. |
3 |
"type" : "reversal",
"amount" : 316.35,
"currency" : "eur",
"status" : "PENDING",
"merchantOrderReference" : "8cdbb73f-6537-4b7f-a6de-6ddab6c283e1",
"description" : "API Reversal Description",
"language" : "eng",
"method" : "card",
"metadata" : "my custom metadata",
"reference" : "C1505181613078800.1",
"brand" : "visa",
"created" : 1431958387914,
"lastUpdate" : 1431958387914,
"statusFinalDate" : 1431958387914