Integrate our products into your software. Let's make payment happen together!
Look at all the possibilitiesThis endpoint fills the SalesPackage with the CCV Online Payments product.
Field | Required | Format | Description |
url | true |
boolean |
paymentMethods{} | true |
List of payment methods that needs are requested. Enum bancontact ,ideal ,paypal ,visa ,mastercard ,maestro ,banktransfer ,amex |
order{} | true |
The order with a SalesPackage, created with addSalesPackage |
Code | Description |
200 | Product added |
400 | Product data has missing/invalid values |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
500 | Server error |
{ "url": "", "paymentMethods": [ "bancontact","ideal","paypal","visa","mastercard","maestro","banktransfer","amex" ], "order":{ "orderDate": "2021-02-23T14:34:37.528+00:00", "orderNotes": null, "cartUrl": "http://myccv-local:8008/merchant/", "storeUrl": "http://myccv-local:8008/merchant/", "statusUrl": "http://myccv-local:8008/merchant/", "storeInformation": { "companyName": null, "tradingName": null, "cocNumber": "12345678", "cocRegistry": "Kvk", "taxNumber": null, "storeAddress": { "country": "NL", "city": null, "streetName": null, "postalCode": null, "houseNumber": null, "houseNumberExt": null }, "deliveryAddress": null, "eBillingEmailAddress": null, "reportingEmailAddress": null }, "companyContactPerson": { "firstName": null, "lastName": null, "prefix": null, "emailAddress": "", "gender": "Male", "phoneNumber": null, "dateOfBirth": null, "language": "nl-NL" }, "invoiceAccount": null, "payoutAccount": null, "shoppingCart": { "currency": null, "shippingCost": null, "oneOffPriceCouponCode": null, "oneOffPriceDiscount": null, "totalAmountToBePaidImmediately": null, "totalRevenueForFullYear": null, "periodPricingDetails": null, "salesPackages": [ { "isPurchased": true, "packageName": "Online Payments", "sku": "Online payments", "periodPricingDetails": [ { "period": "OneOff", "excludingTax": 0, "singleExcludingTax": 0, "includingTax": 0, "taxAmountsPerTaxRate": [ { "taxRate": 0, "taxAmount": 0 } ] } ], "products": null } ] }, "cddInformation": null } }