Integrate our products into your software. Let's make payment happen together!
Look at all the possibilitiesOPI-DE terminals allow you to choose an account before a transaction for specific circumstances.\
The accounts can be retrieved via the GetStatus call.
For OPI-DE terminals only.
createTerminal(ExternalTerminal.TerminalType.ATTENDED_OPI_DE); PaymentApi paymentService = new PaymentService(); PaymentDelegate paymentDelegate = new PaymentDelegate() { @Override public void onPaymentSuccess(PaymentResult result) { // The payment is completed successful! // The paymentResult contains all information about the transaction } @Override public void onError(Error error) { // The payment failed // The Error object contains information about what went wrong } @Override public void printMerchantReceiptAndSignature(PaymentReceipt receipt) { // Code to handle the MerchantReceipt } @Override public void printCustomerReceiptAndSignature(PaymentReceipt receipt) { //Code to handle CustomerReceipt } }; Payment payment = Payment .builder() .type(Payment.Type.SALE) .amount(new Money(amount, Currency.getInstance("EUR"))) ..account("Account A") .build(); paymentService.payment(terminal, payment, delegate);