Enhanced the recovery flow by marking the payment as successful when the TicketReprint process fails.
Fixed an issue where the RequestId from the payment object was not correctly utilized in the CardServiceRequest of a payment reversal.
Added support for handling receipts during the RetrieveTerminalMenuItem process.
Resolved issues with multiple callbacks being triggered from transactions after a RESPONSE_TIMEOUT.
Fixed the bug where TrackingToken was defined multiple times in the TokenResult.
Added asSignature callbacks to the recovery payment proxy delegate to enhance signature verification workflows.
Restored the MAPI.initialize call back into MainActivity.java in the demo application for proper initialization.
October 2024
Add ReadUID method for using CardValidation and Flexo script
Perform Refund via Token
Improved documentation on error handling in the mAPI
Set printer size back to 480px
Remove PaymentResult from PaymentAdministrationResult when not performing a RepeatLastMessage
Bugfix where ECRs cannot parse merchant receipt upon performing cutover/period closing with Amex transaction
October 2024
Add inputCommands for requestType=“Menu” on OPI-DE
Add age-verification on OPI-DE
Upgrade mapi-demo dependencies
Fix NPE on repeatLastMessage T2-timeout
September 2024
Added support for EReceiptUrl in repeatLastMessage
September 2024
Added support for EReceiptUrl in ticketReprint
September 2024
Added support for OutDeviceTarget “CustomerDisplay” for OPI-DE
Added support for repeating the RepeatLastMessage request when answer from the terminal is DeviceUnavailable or Busy
Added support for MerchantReference with Refund transactions
Reduce overall timeout to 60s
Detect connection lost to terminal
Add Timeout parameter to terminal request for receiving timeout terminal response
June 2024
Added support for ReceiptMode for periodClosing for OPI-DE
Added support for extra terminal Languages
Added support for new RegularCustomer boolean when performing the status call for OPI-DE
Fixed issue where receipts were not send back when ReceiptMode.ReceiptsInResponse was used
Fixed issue where CashierDisplay messages were not send back to the app
May 2024
Add feature reservation adjustment no card present
March 2024
Add amount to token/card-detection
February 2024
E-Receipt delegate response for OPI-DE
askCustomerSignature & askMerchantSignature for repeatLastMessage
Bug fix for abort on connection interrupt
Add CardPaymentAfterReservation type for cancelAnyTransaction
Add ip for rest-communication in demo application
November 2023
Added GetStatus for OPI-CH
Added Startup for OPI-CH
Added OPI administration functionality for UNATTENDED-OPI-NL
Added support for reading Mifare UID when performing a sale transaction on UNATTENDED-OPI-NL terminals
Added support for sending admin receipts to a merchant email address by providing the merchant email address to the ExternalTerminal object (PhonePOS solution)
Return when MerchantReferenceNumber is supported with the GetStatus call for OPI-DE
Made showTerminalOutput(List lines) deprecated and replaced it with showTerminalOutputLines(List lines)
Changed the width of the ticket from 480px to 384px when printing a ticket to ensure a better print quality (PAX terminal printers only)
Bugfix where the previous Payment object was used when performing a new transaction before the previous transaction was properly finished for OPI-DE
August 2023
Added payment reversal for OPI-CH
August 2023
Added support for ActivateTerminal (OPI-CH)
Bugfix where UncaughtExceptionHandler was set multiple times
August 2023
Return SerialNumber when performing CardReaderStatus (OPI-DE)
Return Merchant Receipt when performing Recover Payment
Added support for Cancel Any (ATTENDED OPI-NL)
Added support for Closeday (OPI-CH)
Bugfix for External Void (OPI-DE)
Bugfix for Recover Payment
May 2023
Added missing RequestTypes
Return CashbackPossible with the get status call (OPI-DE)
Added support for sending CustomerEmailAddress with a payment and reprint ticket call (OPI-DE)
March 2023
Added support for external void for reservation (OPI-DE)
Added support for TransactionOverview and PeriodClosing for EP2 (OPI-CH)
Added support for sending MerchantEmailAddress and CustomerEmailAddress (OPI-NL)
Added support for PartialPeriodClosing (UNATTENDED OPI-NL)
Added support for sending German Eichrecht for EV Charging (UNATTENDED OPI-NL)
Added support for receiving an eReceiptUrl for PhonePOS solution (OPI-DE)
Added support for VISA Electron
Bugfix where the wrong error messages were send: FLOW_ALREADY_HAPPENING instead of NOT_A_FLOW_HAPPENING and SECONDARY_FLOW_ALREADY_HAPPENING instead of NOT_A_FLOW_HAPPENING (OPI-DE)
January 2023
Added support for retrieving open pre authorisations (UNATTENDED OPI-NL)
Bugfix where both onSuccess and onError delegate methods get called
October 2022
Added support for PasswordCheck on every request (OPI-DE)
Update pax BarcodeScanner
Bugfix where abort on OPI-DE terminals fails
Bugfix where TerminalDiscovery calls OnComplete and OnError when internet is turned off
Bugfix where Automatic TerminalDiscovery does not stop
August 2022
Added support for EP2: Sale, Refund, Abort, RetrieveLastTicket, RecoverPayment (OPI-CH)
Added new implementation for FactoryReset as resetToFactorySettings (OPI-DE)
Added new PasswordCheck request (OPI-DE)
Removed PaymentResultDE, please use PaymentResult instead
Bugfix where EReceipt-URL was not send back when performing a RetrieveLastTicket
May 2022
Update api reference with Result Objects and commonly used objects
Added PeriodClosing and TransactionOverview guide
Added ReasonCode to FinancialAdvice to cancel a PreAuthorisation
Added dialog after performing a CardDetection informing the user about the needed followup action in the demo application
Bugfix for the issue for receiving TERMINAL_CONNECTION_LOST when performing a CardDetection and a Silent Abort
April 2022
Added support for printing the PaymentReceipt object with the internal Pax Printer
Bugfix for sending automatic DeviceResponse when receipt is empty when using terminal menu
Bugfix for NullPointerException when empty signature was retrieved from PaymentReceipt
Bugfix for IllegalStateException when multiple messages were send to the terminal at the same time
Bugfix Proguard issues
March 2022
Added support for taxfree transaction (OPI-DE)
Added support for prepaid transaction (OPI-DE)
Added support for TicketReprintReconciliationWithClosure transaction (OPI-DE)
Added support for CardDetection with Payment followup (UNATTENDED OPI-NL)
Bugfix for Payment Recovery (UNATTENDED OPI-NL)
Bugfix for crash when textlines for customer receipt are null
Update PAX printer guide
Update getting started guide on how to initialize the Android SDK
January 2022
Added support for requesting additional transaction information while performing a transaction (UNATTENDED OPI-NL)
Added support for CardValidation (UNATTENDED OPI-NL)
Added support for Mifare cards with the Token call (UNATTENDED OPI-NL)
Added abort functionality for Flexo (ATTENDED OPI-NL)
Added Amount to the PaymentResult when performing a PreAuthorisation (UNATTENDED OPI-NL)
Added support for sending the PrinterStatus while performing a transaction (OPI-NL)
Added support for performing a transaction with a list of supported card brands (OPI-NL)
Update NFC guide for the use with OPI-DE terminals
Return JournalReceipt and EJournal while performing a PreAuthorisation (UNATTENDED OPI-NL)
Bugfix for exposed dependencies that could conflict with app dependencies
Bugfix for RetrieveLastTicket where tickets were not handled correctly when communication between mAPI and terminal is blocked by the OS (Android 10+, OPI-DE)
December 2021
Bugfix where mAPI crashes when CardServiceResponse cannot be deserialized (OPI-DE)
Bugfix logging
December 2021
Changed type of dateOfShift field in the TransactionOverview object from Date to String. This allows the integrator to choose the format of the date
Added support for readMifareUID with SECpos EVO payment engine (OPI-DE)
Added all supported terminal types in the QR Code scanner guide
Add integration type setting (SDK vs API) to the demo application
Bugfix where mAPI crashes when trying to perform a countdown on an NULL CountDownLatch (OPI-DE)
Return extra information with the GetStatus call (OPI-NL)
Add returnCode, actionCode and answerCode to the Result object on the RepeatLastPayment call
October 2021
Added search for local terminal to AutomaticTerminalDiscovery
Extended AutomaticTerminalDiscovery with the option to only search for local terminals
Add support for Flexo basic mode (OPI-NL)
Add support for optional terminal POS texts (Unattended OPI-NL)
October 2021
Added support for passing paymentCorrelationId (OPI-DE terminals only)
September 2021
Return terminalId in the result after performing a terminal action
Added support for reading the UID of MiFare cards for the vx PayGear payment engine (OPI-NL)
Added support for AuthorisationByVoice transactions (OPI-DE terminals only)
Added support for sending additional text for the printer (OPI-DE terminals only)
Added support for sending an Android Intent while performing a payment on Android 10 devices
Restructure our guides on our developer portal
Added release month to the release notes
Bugfix for crash when returning to BarcodeScannerActivity from another activity or from the home screen
Bugfix ConcurrentModificationException on the MPALogging
August 2021
Added support for ResultState COMMUNICATION_ERROR
Added support for handover email address (OPI-DE terminals only)
Added support for scanning QR/Barcodes with the built-in camera
Bugfix where mAPI crashes when given an unknown currency
Bugfix logcat warning that a connection was leaked
June 2021
Update documentation with guide for GetStatus call to receive the TerminalID
Update documentation with an overview page giving a general introduction about the mAPI
Update documentation with an overview off all the mAPI error codes and its explanation
Update hardware guide with supported Pax Devices by feature
Update abort guide with abort from the PaymentService (attended terminal use)
Update payment reversal guide with example using paymentSTAN
Add support for OPI GetCardCircuits call for OPI-NL terminals
Add reconciliation result response to the Result object
Add support for whitelisting/blacklisting card circuit types when performing a payment (OPI-DE terminals only)
Add support for passing card information, so the cardholder does not have to present its card (OPI-DE terminals only)
Skip asking for signature when transaction has failed (OPI-DE terminals only)
Add GetStatus call to the Unattended Terminal flow of the mAPI demo application
General bugfixes for the mAPI demo application
May 2021
Fix where mAPI AAR with hardware functionality was missing dependencies
May 2021
Update documentation with guides for receiving transaction tickets and journals
Update documentation guide for CardDetection with extra details
Update documentation guide for PaymentRecovery
ExternalTerminal.Mode.COMPATIBLE and ExternalTerminal.Mode.INCOMPATIBLE are replaced by ExternalTerminal.SocketMode.DUAL_SOCKET and ExternalTerminal.SocketMode.SINGLE_SOCKET to make it more clear what it does
April 2021
Added support for retrieving possible methods on an OPI-DE terminal
Bugfix for clearing found terminal list when using terminal discovery
New hardware package including printing and barcode-scanning
Certification documentation + new guides
March 2021
Fix for issue where onError callback method was not always called on the MainThread
Added support for Merchant Reference Number for OPI-DE protocol
Added support for GetConfigData for OPI-DE protocol
Decrease search time for automatic terminal discovery
Returning card information when payment failed
Added automatic payment recovery
February 2021
Added POS timestamp field to the Payment object, this timestamp will be sent to the terminal for logging purposes
Disabled Day Closure for Attended terminals, this is only useful for Unattended terminals
Update guides with use of the new onError delegate method instead of the previous onError, onPaymentError and onPaymentAdministrationError methods
Add guides for performing a Payment Refund and a Payment Reversal transaction
Fix for issue where TerminalDiscoveryService did not stop searching for predefined terminals when task was done
Fix method for checking if a certain ip address was available because not all ip addresses that were available were reached