EV Charging
On our commercial website we have a full article containing all information about this topic. You can find that
Here we will focus on one of the solutions we provide for this market, our next-generation payment terminal IM30.
This is our unattended android based terminal which will take your solution to the next step. Complete information and use-cases can again be found
Before you start a charging session, you would like to reserve a balance on a payment card for the payout when the charging session stops. In the payment industrie, it’s called Authorise and Capture .
The authorisation reserves money on a bank account. The integrator or the cusotmer can decide how much money needs to be The capture finishes the payment. More information about the capture is described later in this page.
Go to the manual of Authorisation to find out how you can maken an authorisation request and see the content of the response.
Some time after the charging session is started, a customer would like to end the charging session. Before the session is stopped, you need a verification that the person who would like to stop the session is actually someone who started a session. This is easy to verify by using the tokenization services of CCV.
During the authorisation request, you received a Token of the payment card that is presented by the customer. There’s an API call available to request a token.
Check out the manual to get a card token to see all the details to get a token.
Once you have received the token. It’s up to you as an integrator to validate if there’s a charging session available with the same Token.
If the token doesn’t match any session, the customer presented another payment card or someone else tried to stop a charging session. If the new token is equal to the token of a charging session, you can continue to the following step to finish the payment transaction.
The customer initiated the action to stop a charging session. It’s time to finish the payment. You determine the amount that needs to be charged for the session and you can finish the transaction wiht a capture request.
All the information about capture can be found in the manual of Capture.
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