Interface TokenApi

  • public interface TokenApi
    • Method Detail

      • token

        default void token​(ExternalTerminal externalTerminal,
                           TokenPurpose tokenPurpose,
                           TokenDelegate delegate)
        Currently only supported for OPI-NL Fetch a new token
        externalTerminal - Connection information to reach the terminal, containing IP address, ports, terminalType with opi-language and socket mode.
        tokenPurpose - the token purpose (Tracking, Web, Transaction)
        delegate - Callback hook towards the caller to inform regarding success/status/failure
      • abort

        default void abort​(boolean isSilent,
                           ExternalTerminal terminal,
                           TokenDelegate delegate)
        Currently only supported for OPI-NL Aborts an ongoing token request.
        isSilent - the silent abort prevents that the "Aborted" customer display message isn't shown after performing an abort.
        terminal - Connection information to reach the terminal, containing IP address, ports, terminalType with opi-language and socket mode.
        delegate - Callback hook towards the caller to inform regarding success/status/failure
      • abortOnNewConnection

        default void abortOnNewConnection​(boolean isSilent,
                                          ExternalTerminal terminal,
                                          TokenDelegate delegate)
        Currently only supported for OPI-NL Aborts an ongoing token request. The abort will be sent using a new connection.
        isSilent - the silent abort prevents that the "Aborted" customer display message isn't shown after performing an abort.
        terminal - Connection information to reach the terminal, containing IP address, ports, terminalType with opi-language and socket mode.
        delegate - Callback hook towards the caller to inform regarding success/status/failure
      • validateCard

        default void validateCard​(ExternalTerminal terminal,
                                  TokenDelegate delegate)
        Currently only supported for OPI-NL Is the card valid
        terminal - Connection information to reach the terminal, containing IP address, ports, terminalType with opi-language and socket mode.
        delegate - Callback hook towards the caller to inform regarding success/status/failure
      • unsupported

        static void unsupported()