Interface OpiDEApi

  • public interface OpiDEApi
    • Method Detail

      • initialisation

        default void initialisation​(ExternalTerminal terminal,
                                    TerminalDelegate delegate)
        terminal - Connection information to reach the terminal, containing IP address, ports, terminalType with opi-language and socket mode.
        delegate - Callback hook towards the caller to inform regarding success/status/failure
      • reconciliationWithClosure

        default void reconciliationWithClosure​(ExternalTerminal terminal,
                                               TerminalDelegate delegate)
        Reconciliation with closure.
        terminal - Connection information to reach the terminal, containing IP address, ports, terminalType with opi-language and socket mode.
        delegate - Callback hook towards the caller to inform regarding success/status/failure
      • startup

        default void startup​(ExternalTerminal terminal,
                             TerminalDelegate delegate)
        Startup the OPI-DE service
        terminal - Connection information to reach the terminal, containing IP address, ports, terminalType with opi-language and socket mode.
        delegate - Callback hook towards the caller to inform regarding success/status/failure
      • cardRead

        default void cardRead​(ExternalTerminal terminal,
                              CardReadDelegate delegate,
                              CardReadRequest cardReadRequest)
        Execute an OPI-DE card read
        terminal - Connection information to reach the terminal, containing IP address, ports, terminalType with opi-language and socket mode.
        delegate - Callback hook towards the caller to inform regarding success/status/failure
        cardReadRequest - CardReadRequest contains all the different options you can configure for a card read
      • cardReaderStatus

        default void cardReaderStatus​(ExternalTerminal terminal,
                                      CardReaderStatusDelegate delegate)
        OPI-DE specific Fetch the status of the card reader
        terminal - Connection information to reach the terminal, containing IP address, ports, terminalType with opi-language and socket mode.
        delegate - Callback hook towards the caller to inform regarding success/status/failure
      • paymentAfterCardRead

        default void paymentAfterCardRead​(ExternalTerminal terminal,
                                          Payment payment,
                                          PaymentDelegate delegate)
        Execute an OPI-DE payment after card read. All interaction from the terminal out will be handed to the payment issuer using the PaymentDelegate.
        terminal - Connection information to reach the terminal, containing IP address, ports, terminalType with opi-language and socket mode.
        payment - Defines the payment being processed using card read result
        delegate - Callback hook towards the caller to inform regarding success/status/failure
      • callTMS

        default void callTMS​(ExternalTerminal terminal,
                             TerminalDelegate delegate,
                             java.lang.String jobName)
        OPI-DE specific CallTMS
        terminal - Connection information to reach the terminal, containing IP address, ports, terminalType with opi-language and socket mode.
        delegate - Callback hook towards the caller to inform regarding success/status/failure
        jobName - JobName that can be passed with the callTMS command
      • checkPassword

        default void checkPassword​(ExternalTerminal terminal,
                                   TerminalDelegate delegate)
        OPI-DE specific CheckPassword
        terminal - Connection information to reach the terminal, containing IP address, ports, terminalType with opi-language and socket mode.
        delegate - Callback hook towards the caller to inform regarding success/status/failure
      • factoryReset

        default void factoryReset​(ExternalTerminal terminal,
                                  TerminalDelegate delegate)
        OPI-DE specific Factory Reset
        terminal - Connection information to reach the terminal, containing IP address, ports, terminalType with opi-language and socket mode.
        delegate - Callback hook towards the caller to inform regarding success/status/failure
      • resetToFactorySettings

        default void resetToFactorySettings​(ExternalTerminal terminal,
                                            TerminalDelegate delegate)
        OPI-DE specific Factory Reset
        terminal - Connection information to reach the terminal, containing IP address, ports, terminalType with opi-language and socket mode.
        delegate - Callback hook towards the caller to inform regarding success/status/failure
      • startServiceMenu

        default void startServiceMenu​(ExternalTerminal terminal,
                                      TerminalDelegate delegate)
        OPI-DE specific Start ServiceMenu
        terminal - Connection information to reach the terminal, containing IP address, ports, terminalType with opi-language and socket mode.
        delegate - Callback hook towards the caller to inform regarding success/status/failure
      • oamServerApplications

        default void oamServerApplications​(ExternalTerminal terminal,
                                           TerminalDelegate delegate)
        OPI-DE specific OAMServerList
        terminal - Connection information to reach the terminal, containing IP address, ports, terminalType with opi-language and socket mode.
        delegate - Callback hook towards the caller to inform regarding success/status/failure
      • terminalOperation

        default void terminalOperation​(ExternalTerminal terminal,
                                       TerminalDelegate delegate,
                                       TerminalOperationType terminalOperationType)
        OPI-DE specific Terminal Operation
        terminal - Connection information to reach the terminal, containing IP address, ports, terminalType with opi-language and socket mode.
        delegate - Callback hook towards the caller to inform regarding success/status/failure
        terminalOperationType - Type of diagnosis that needs to be started
      • terminalAdministrationOperation

        default void terminalAdministrationOperation​(ExternalTerminal terminal,
                                                     TerminalDelegate delegate,
                                                     TerminalAdministrationOperationType terminalAdministrationOperationType)
        OPI-DE specific Terminal Operation
        terminal - Connection information to reach the terminal, containing IP address, ports, terminalType with opi-language and socket mode.
        delegate - Callback hook towards the caller to inform regarding success/status/failure
        terminalAdministrationOperationType - Type of terminalAdministrationOperation that needs to be started
      • retrieveTerminalMenuItem

        default void retrieveTerminalMenuItem​(ExternalTerminal terminal,
                                              TerminalDelegate terminalDelegate,
                                              java.lang.String terminalMenuItemPath)